Liverpool PALS Presentation
8th Janaury 2014
On Wednesday 8th January the Provincial Grand Master attended a meeting of the Hale Branch of Royal British Legion based in the Child of Hale inn, which is in Hale. At the meeting the PGM presented a Cheque for £250 to Tony Wainwright who is the Secretary of the Liverpool Pals memorial fund. The money was raised at Garston Masonic Hall during a Sunday lunch on Remembrance Sunday, following the wreath laying ceremony at Garston Cenotaph.
Sarah Lowe who provided the entertainment declined payment and donated her fee, which was added to the monies raised. This allowed West Lancs Mark Masons to donate £250.

The Chairman of The Hale Branch Bill Sergeant welcomed the PGM and other Mark Masons which included W Bro Derek Horrocks the PGM’s Representative for Garston and the organiser of the Sunday lunch, W Bro Ken Baxter, who is the Tuscan Group Deputy Charity Representative, and W Bro Colin Svenson who proposed the donation.

PGM presenting cheque
Sarah entertaining

Members of Hale Branch of the Royal British Legion and Masonic Brethren

Following a very interesting talk by Tony Wainwright, Paul Bostock from the branch ran a short film from the Great War.
The meeting ended with a toast to absent friends.

Article and photgraphs courtesy of Jack Parker